Kashona Notah is a writer from San Bernardino, California. He is Iñupiaq, a member of the Native Village of Kotzebue, and a NANA Regional Corporation tribal shareholder. He was additionally raised since birth within a Diné family through his adoptive father, a proud member of the Navajo Nation.

At 27, after almost ten years in the workforce, Notah attended college for the first time. He now holds a BA in English with a minor in Native American Studies from Stanford University and an MFA in prose from the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan. His work has appeared in Ploughshares, Yellow Medicine Review, and various other publications. Notah is the recipient of the Alice Hoffman Prize for Fiction, the Hopwood Award for Short Fiction, the Hopwood award for Nonfiction, the Mary Steinbeck Dekker Award, the Louis Sudler Prize, and the National Native Media Award for environmental journalism.