Kaveh Bassiri is an Iranian-American writer and translator. He is the author of 99 Names of Exile, winner of the 2019 Anzaldúa Poetry Prize, and Elementary English, winner of the 2020 Rick Campbell Chapbook Prize. His poems have been published in a number of anthologies including Best American Poetry 2020, Best New Poets 2020, The Heart of a Stranger (2020), Essential Voices: Poetry of Iran and Its Diaspora (2021), and Somewhere We Are Human (2022). They can also be found in Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, Virginia Quarterly Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Poetry Northwest, Nimrod International Journal, The Cincinnati Review, and Shenandoah. His translations have appeared in the Chicago Review, The Common, Denver Quarterly, The Massachusetts Review, Two Lines, Guernica, World Literature Today, and Colorado Review. He has also worked on the English subtitles for movies and interviews of Iranian directors Abbas Kiarostami and Bahram Beyzai for the Criterion Collection. Bassiri is the recipient of a 2022-2023 fellowship from the Oklahoma Center for the Humanities, a 2021 Individual Artist Fellowship from the Arkansas Arts Council, and a 2019 translation fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. He is a contributing editor to Copper Nickel and the translation editor for the Pamenar Press. He has an MFA in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Arkansas.